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Di, 18. März 2025

Di, 18. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

30 Lieblings Kinderlieder - Englische Lieder

Verlag: Hamburg : Oetinger Media GmbH
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :

30 Lieblings Kinderlieder - Englische Lieder. - Hamburg : Oetinger Media GmbH, 2018

Tonie EUR 11,99 Tonie 85


Enth.: Old MacDonald had a farm; Head and shoulders, knees and toes; Incy wincy spider;
If you´re happy and you know it; Baa baa black sheep; The animals went in two by two;
Five little ducks; Down by the station; I´m a little teapot; Here we go around the Mulberry
Bush; Girls and boys come out to play; The alphabet song; One, two, three, four, five;
Looby loo; Mary had a little lamb; It´s raining, it´s pouring; Polly, put the kettle on;
Miss Polly had a dolly; I hear thunder; London bridge is falling down; Little Miss Muffet;
Row, row, row your boat; Hickory dickory dock; Jack and Jill; Humpty dumpty;
Sing a song of sixpence; The muffin man; The wheels on the bus; The big ship sails on
the ally-ally-oh; Twinkle, twinkle, little star