Bravo Hits 85

Verlag: Universal Music
Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Bravo Hits 85. - Universal Music, 2014. - 2 CD´s
CD 060075351207 : EUR 17,99 CD 93
Enth.: Rather be; Waves; Dark horse; Down by the river; Riptide;
Happy; Hideaway; My love; I got u; Ready for your love;
Air Balloon; All night; Selfie; Shot me down; Anywhere for you;
Into the blue; G.U.Y.; Hey Baby; Trumpets; Na na; Fancy; Isso;
Magic; Am I wrong; Money on my mind; Is it right; We must be
crazy; The man; Heart to heart; Wasting my young years;
Words as weapons; Young girls; Let me go; Derniere danse;
Out of yourself; Best day of my life; Can´t say no; She looks
so perfect; Black saturday; Stupid little things; Weinen;
Moment; Auf uns; St. Pauli